Condominium Corporations, Residents Associations and Home Owner’s Associations in Alberta now have the option to hold AGMs online, as opposed to in person.
In the Ontario case of Halton Condominium Corp No 77 v Mitrovic, the Ontario Superior Court granted a permanent injunction prohibiting the Mitrovics from frequenting some common areas of their condo building unless they were wearing face masks.
The Prompt Payment and Construction Lien Act prescribes timelines and mandatory rules for payments and liens in all construction industry sectors, including Condominiums, to ensure contractors and subcontractors are paid promptly.
Because of COVID-19, condominiums appear to be operating in a grey area where they will soon be required to hold AGMs, but the method by which they are to do so is uncertain.
Kunzler v The Owners, Strata Plan EPS 1433, 2020 BCSC 576 (“Kunzler”) is an notable recent case from British Columbia which addresses the ability of a strata corporation to pass bylaws preventing or regulating certain types of businesses and activities on its grounds.
On June 3, 2020, major changes were announced to the Real Estate Act, the legislation that governs realtors, mortgage brokers, appraisers, and property managers in Alberta.